
You're In Good Hands

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CBHR Communications

Our service here in Namibia, has found a new meaning that brings local and corporate environments together. We would like to provide that link through Broker Services, Public Relations Services, Business Development Training, Product development and IP consultation, and Communication Technology and installation. Whether you have been in existence for years or only starting up, there is a place for you here. There has never been a better time than right now to explore the opportunities that lie ahead for your business.

Our Services

Educational Training and Logistics

Khoi and San, and South African Indigenous arts, music, and dance programs preserve and share their cultural heritage through workshops, apprenticeships, and performances. Modern logistics and cultural exchanges foster understanding and appreciation of these traditions, ensuring their survival and appreciation in contemporary settings. Click here for more information.

Broker Services

Through advice and professional presentation of proposals and business plans, your business ideas and inventions will enjoy the attention of prospective investors. Our Company will support your ideas with the necessary backup infrastructure and expertise that is needed, to improve your chances for success.

Our developmental approach allows for a mentoring process, whereby potential projects will be considered and assisted in the initial brokering of business deals. Startup funding will be negotiated and secured for potential successful applicants, at reasonable fees.

Public Relation Services

Because of the need for a professional impression on cliental, the services of well trained personnel is vitally important. PublicRelations within small business, is greatly neglected due to limited resources and often lack of skilled and trained employees.  

Our organization provides the backup support to facilitate administration of filing and documentation through Data bases in electronic form and facilitation of meetings through conferencing on streaming and webinar platforms. Corporate Image development and design comes with programmed designs, suited for the need of your business.

Business Development and training

The reasons why businesses can’t be successful are often because of the lack of  necessary support from investors. Institutions such as Banks make it impossible for small businesses to succeed. It is for this reason why our organization looks at the potential of individuals who would normally not qualify for support from Banks due to possible defects on their track records.

This is why personal development and training becomes key factors in order to give potential businesses a second change through mentoring and training on issues of integrity and accountability company values.

Product development and IP consultation

The natural resources and knowledge of “know how,” has always been the greatest assets of new businesses. Local products are often stolen from traditional communities and end up being marketed and exported internationally.

Our professionally trained staff can advice on Intellectual Property and management of  copyrights and patented commodities. This will ensure that the rights of local business ideas are protected through the careful and professional registering processes, with the relevant bodies locally and internationally.

Communication Technology and installation

Through our expert experience of Media Technologies, our organization offers a range of services which include:

  1. Computer training, sales and installation
  2. Media Training and publishing of books, audio and visual production recordings for Media platforms of Radio and Television, as well as YouTube, Face Book and Twitter accounts.
  3. Presentations of audio and visual productions and events through sound and stage equipment, as well as facilitation of inter-communication systems for big and small conferences of corporate seminars and discussion forums, through video conferencing, webinars and hosting of live streaming.